This is a bucket list of works I wish to get a hold of. Please don't be intimidated by its size, I do all I can to work it down to a minimum.
A list of books I am interested in reading or acquiring. It is constantly added to and deducted from.
Ali, Monica: Brick Lane
Alighieri, Dante: Den Gudomliga Komedin
Almquist, Carl Jonas Love: Det Går An
Ariely, Dan: Predictably Irrational
Asimov, Isaac: I, Robot
Auster, Paul: The Illusionist (again)
Barnes, Jonathan: The Somnambulist
Barker, Clive: Abarat
Barrie, James Matthew: Peter Pan
Beavouir, Simone de: She Came To Stay
Beckman, Birger: Bankkamrern Som Kunde Flyga
Bergman, Sten: Min Far Är Kannibal
Blatty, Peter William: The Exorcist
Bradbury, Ray: Fahrenheit 451
Brontë, Emily: Wuthering Heights
Camus, Albert: Främlingen
Carlbring, Magnus: Paul Exodus Propp
Carroll, Lewis: Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Through The Looking-Glass and The Hunting of the Snark
Carson, Anne: Short Talks
Cassidy, Nathan: Cure for the Common Cold
Cervantes, Miguel de: Don Quixote
Coelho, Paulo: (anything)
Crick, Mark: Kafka's Soup
Crosley, Sloane: I Was Told There'd Be Cake
Cullin, Mitch: Tideland
Dahl, Roald: James and the Giant Peach
Danielsson, Tage: Paket
Defoe, Daniel: The Fortunes and Misfortunes of the Famous Moll Flanders
DeLillo, Don: White Noise
DiCamillo, Kate & Ibatoulline, Bagram: Edward Tulanes Fantastiska Resa
Dickens, Charles: David Copperfield
Didion, Joan: The Year of Magical Thinking
Diverse författare: Lyckad Nedfrysning av Herr Moro
Dixelius, Kalle: Toffs Bok
Easton Ellis, Bret: American Psycho
Elliot, Will: The Pilo Family Circus
Ende, Michael: The Neverending Story
Faulkner, William: The Sound and the Fury
Fischer, Tibor: The Thought Gang
Fitt, Matthew: But n Ben A-Go-Go
Fitzgerald, Francis Scott: The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Flaubert, Gustave: Madame Bovary
Foucault, Michel: (anything)
Freud, Sigmund: Civilisation and its Discontent
Fry, Stephen: Paperweight
Gaiman, Neil: Neverwhere and American Gods
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: Faust
Gregory, Philippa: The Other Boleyn Girl
Haden Elgin, Suzette: Native Tongue
Halberstam, Judith: Skin Shows: Gothic Horror and the Technology of Monsters
Hardy, Thomas: Jude the Obscure
Heberlein, Ann: Det Var Inte Mitt Fel!
Hemingway, Ernest: (anything)
Hesse, Hermann: (anything)
Hoff, Benjamin: The Tao of Pooh
Hoffman, Abbie: Steal This Book
Homeros: Illiaden och Odysséen
Houllebecq, Michel: To Stay Alive: A Method
Hornby, Nick: About a Boy
Hugo, Victor: Ringaren i Notre-Dame
Huxley, Aldous: Brave New World
Huysmans, Joris-Karl: Against the Grain
Jacot de Boinod, Adam: The Meaning of Tingo
Janouch, Katerina: Svenska Kvinnors Hemliga Sexuella Äventyr
Jernelöv, Arne: Ibland Blir Det Helt Fel (Men God Mat Tröstar)
Jersild, Per Christian: En Levande Själ
Johnson, Spencer: Who Moved My Cheese?
Joyce, James: Ulysses
Jung, Carl: The Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious
Kay Davies, Deborah: True Things About Me
Kalush, William & Sloman, Larry: The Secret Life of Houdini
Keret, Etgar: Åtta Procent av Ingenting
Klosterman, Chuck: Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs
Krauss, Nicole: History of Love; The Great House
Laing, Ronald David: The Divided Self
Lavers, Christopher: The Natural History of Unicorns
Lawrence, Caroline: The Thieves of Ostia
Lawrence, David Herbert Richards: Lady Chatterley's Lover
Lessing, Doris: (anything)
Lewis, Clive Staples: The Screwtape Letters and The Chronicles of Narnia
Lindsey, Jeff: Darkly Dreaming Dexter
Loe, Erlend: Doppler och Volvo Lastvagnar
Machen, Arthur: The Great God Pan
Martinsson, Harry: Aniara
Márquez, Gabriel García: One Hundred Years of Solitude
McCall Smith, Alexander: (anything)
McCarthy, Cormac: No Country for Old Men
McEwan, Ian: Atonement
Melville, Herman: Moby-Dick
Mishima, Yukio: The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea
Moody, Hank: God Hates Us All
Morgan, Edwin (translator): Beowulf
Morran, Chris: Hardly Working
Murakami, Haruki: (anything)
Niffnegger, Audrey: The Time Traveler's Wife
Nilsson, Mats-Eric: Den Hemlige Kocken och Äkta Vara
Ormes, Nene: Udda Verklighet
Ott, Thomas: Nummer 73304-23-4153-6-98-8
Palin, Michael: Limericks and Hemingway's Chair (again)
Paolini, Christopher: Eragon (again)
Phillips, Christopher: Socrates' Café
Picouly, Jodi: My Sister's Keeper
Pratchett, Terry: (anything)
Raspe, Rudolf Erich: The Surprising Adventures of Braon Munchausen
Rhinehart, Luke: The Dice Man
Rice, Anne: The Vampire Chronicles
Robinson, John Elder: Look Me in the Eye
Roche, Charlotte: Wetlands (again)
Roman, Andreas: När Änglar Dör
Ronson, Jon: The Men Who Stare At Goats
Roos, Harry & Hemmingsson, Nina: Demoner
Roth, Philip: Portnoy's Complaint
Rushdie, Salman: The Satanic Verses
Rymer, James Malcolm: Varney the Vampire
Sacks, Oliver: The Man Who Mistook His Wife for a Hat
Sapphire: Push
Sarine, Douglas & Nichols, Kent: The Ninja Handbook
Sebold, Alice: The Lovely Bones
Selby, Hubert Jr: Requiem for a Dream
Shearman, Robert: Lovesongs for the Shy and Cynical
Shteyngart, Gary: Super Sad True Love Story
Solanas, Valerie: Scum Manifesto
Southern, Terry: The Magic Christian
Sterne, Laurence: The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy
Stenberg, Birgitta: Erotiska Noveller
Stevenson, Robert Louis: The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde and Treasure Island
Stross, Charles: Accelerando
Swarup, VIkas: Q & A
Trenter, Ulla: Rika Barn Leka Bäst
Tusset, Pablo: The Best Thing That Can Happen to a Croissant
Verne, Jules: Journey to the Centre of the Earth
Vonnegut, Kurt: (anything)
Walpole, Hugh: Rogue Herris
Weber, Bernard: (anything)
Wegelius, Jacob: Legenden om Sally Jones
Wells, George Herbert: The Time Machine
Westerlund, Tina: Svenska Oförskämdheter
Wetterberg, Thomas: Dingo Dingo
Wica, Wictoria: Blommorna i Trädgården Bredvid
Willén, Linnea: Barfota Änglar
Woolf, Virginia: Mrs. Dalloway and The Second Sex
Yu, Charles: How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe
Zola, Émile: Thérèse Raquin
January 04, 2009
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Impressive. Working on my own too, though not as actively. Reading "The exeption" by Christian Jungerden (danish! yay!) now, really good so faar! think you should add some more by peter hoeg as well!!
I might, I've been sort of intrigued by Miss Smilla and might add it in time, but I want to cross some others off first.